【代表性学术著作、论文】 [1] Effect of Sn on formation and transformation of VO2 phase. Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 2023, 98: 19.
[2] Phase selectivity of ternary Zn-O-Sn films regulated by oxygen and fluorine. Materials Today Communications. 2023, 35: 105486.
[3] Key Role of Valence Band Position in Porous Carbon Nitride for Photocatalytic Water Splitting. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2022, 126: 14173-14179.
[4] Constructing CdSe QDs modified porous g-C3N4 heterostructures for visible light photocatalytic hydrogen production. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2021, 95: 167-171.
[5] Recent Advances and Perspectives on the Polymer Electrolytes for Sodium/Potassium-Ion Batteries. SMALL. 2021, 5: 2006627.
[6] Competition and Cooperation between Fluorine and Oxygen in SnO2:F films. Crystals. 2021, 11(8): 873.
[7] Dependence of photoelectrochemical water splitting for oriented-SnO2 on Carrier behaviors: Concentration, depletion and transportation. Thin Solid Films. 2021, 732: 138794.
[8] Optical and Electrical Properties of Oxygen-controlled In2O3 Film. Chinese Journal of Materials Research. 2021, 35(05): 394-400.
[9] Surface Modification of 316L Stainless Steel by Diamond-like Carbon Films, J. Iron Steel Res. Int.. 2020, 27(7): 867-874.
[10] Gas Sensing Selectivity of Oxygen-regulated SnO2 Films with Different Micro-structure and Texture. Journal of materials science and technology. 2019; 35: 2232-2237.
[11] Influence of Charge Carriers Concentration and Mobility on the Gas Sensing Behavior of Tin Dioxide Thin Films. Coatings. 2019; 9(9): 591.
[12] A highly sensitivity and selectivity Pt-SnO2 nanoparticles for sensing applications at extremely low level hydrogen gas detection. J. Alloys Compd. 2019; 805: 229-236.
[13] Facile Synthesis of SnO2/LaFeO3−XNX Composite: Photocatalytic Activity and Gas Sensing Performance. Nanomaterials. 2019; 9(8): 1163.
[14] Effect of moderate temperature deformation on microstructure and mechanical properties of 45 steel. Heat Treatment of Metals. 2019; 44(04): 166-170.
[15] Effect of deposition pressure on microstructure and mechanical properties of pulse-PECVD prepared DLC film. Heat Treatment of Metals. 2019; 44(01): 162-167.
[16] Tuning resistivity and transmittance of AZO films through the electro-chemical treatment. Metalurgija. 2019; 58(1-2): 67-70.
[17] Effect of Annealing Oxygen Partial Pressure on Transmittance and Conductivity of AZO Thin Films. Chinese Journal of Materials Research. 2018; 32(11): 861-866.
[18] Oxygen-controlled Structures and Properties of Transparent Conductive SnO2:F Films. J. Alloys Compd. 2017; 695: 765-770.
[19] Characteristics of the Structure and Properties of ZnSnO3 Films by Varying the Magnetron Sputtering Parameters. Acta Metall. Sin (English Letters). 2016; 29(9): 827-833.
[20] Study on Preparation and Properties of amorphous Al2O3 Thin Films by Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering from Powder Target. Acta Metall. Sin. 2016; 52(12): 1595-1600.
【主要科研项目】 负责辽宁省自然科学基金-“纳米碳-钢的调控制备”;